Pulmonary metastatic paraganglioma in association with in situ bronchogenic carcinoma
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Pneumon 2003;16(1):86-90
We present a case of pulmonary metastatic paraganglioma in association with in situ bronchogenic carcinoma. The primary tumor was located in the retroperitoneum and was surgically excised six years ago. The metastatic tumor was accidentally found on a chest x-ray and was initially considered as a primary bronchogenic carcinoma. The patient underwent lobectomy during which a metastatic paraganglioma was diagnosed. Paragangliomas are tumors of the neuroendocrine system, usually located in the abdomen. Pulmonary paragangliomas are rarely found. They are considered functioning when large amounts of catecholamines are excreted and they are surgically treated prognosis being satisfactory. Pneumon 2003, 16(1):86-90.
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