Exercise Limitation in COPD
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3rd Respiratory Department, Sismanoglio-A. Fleming General Hospital of Attiki, Athens, Greece
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
1st University Department of Respiratory Medicine, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit, “Sotiria” Chest Diseases Hospital, Athens, Greece
Corresponding author
Marios Panagiotou   

3rd Respiratory Department, Sismanoglio-A. Fleming General Hospital of Attiki, Athens
Pneumon 2013;26(3):245-256
Exercise tolerance is reduced across all stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and this is coupled with numerous negative outcomes. Exercise-limiting factors in patients with COPD can be summarized as 1) imbalance between ventilatory capacity and demand, 2) imbalance between oxygen supply to respiratory and peripheral muscles and demand and 3) peripheral muscle dysfunction. This clinical review article addresses the phenomenon of the impaired exercise capacity in COPD, explores the main underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and attempts to provide the reader with an overview of the way these mechanisms intergrade to generate this deleterious effect.
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